Recent Publications
Blažina, M., Haberle, I., Hrustić, E., Budiša, A., Petrić, I., Konjević, L., Šilović, T., Djakovac, T., Geček, S. Growth Aspects and Biochemical Composition of Synechococcus sp. MK568070 Cultured in Oil Refinery Wastewater. Journal of marine science and engineering. 7 (2019), 6
Šilović, T., Mihanović, H., Batistić, M., Dupčić, I., Hrustić, E., Najdek, M. Picoplankton distribution influenced by thermohaline circulation in the southern Adriatic. Continental Shelf Research 155 (2018): 21-33
Bosak, S., Godrijan, J., Šilović, T. Dynamics of the marine planktonic diatom family Chaetocerotaceae in a Mediterranean coastal zone. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 180 (2016): 69-8
Najdek, M. Paliaga, P., Šilović, T., Batistić, M., Garić, R., Supić, N., Ivančić, I., Ljubimir, S., Korlević, M., Jasprica, N., Hrustić, E., Dupčić-Radić, I., Blažina, M., Orlić, S. Picoplankton community structure before, during and after convection event in the offshore waters of the southern Adriatic Sea. Biogeosciences. 11(2014): 2645-2659
Orlić, S., Najdek, M., Supić, N., Ivančić, I., Fuks, D., Blažina, M., Šilović, T., Paliaga, P., Godrijan, J., Marić, D. Structure and variability of microbial community at transect crossing a double gyre structure (north-eastern Adriatic Sea). Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 69 (2013): 193-203
Šilović, T., Balague, V., Pedrós-Alió, C., Orlić, S. Picoplankton seasonal variation and community structure in the northeast Adriatic coastal zone. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 82 (3) (2012): 678-691
Bosak, S., Šilović, T., Ljubešić, Z., Kušpilić, G., Pestorić, B., Krivokapić, S., Viličić, D. The phytoplankton size structure and species composition as an indicator of the trophic status in transitional ecosystems: A case study of the Mediterranean fjord-like karstic bay. Oceanologia. 54 (2) (2012): 1–32
Fuks, D., Ivančić, I., Najdek, M., Lučić, D., Njire, J., Godrijan, J., Marić, D., Šilović, T., Paliaga, P., Blažina, M., Precali, R., Orlić, S. Changes in the planktonic community structure related to trophic conditions: The case study of the northern Adriatic Sea. Journal of Marine Systems. 96–97 (2012): 95-102
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