Tina Šilović

I’m a marine microbial ecologist
..passionate not only about Science,
but about Music, Design, Technology,...

Recent Publications

  • Blažina, M., Haberle, I., Hrustić, E., Budiša, A., Petrić, I., Konjević, L., Šilović, T., Djakovac, T., Geček, S. Growth Aspects and Biochemical Composition of Synechococcus sp. MK568070 Cultured in Oil Refinery Wastewater. Journal of marine science and engineering. 7 (2019), 6

  • Šilović, T., Mihanović, H., Batistić, M., Dupčić, I., Hrustić, E., Najdek, M. Picoplankton distribution influenced by thermohaline circulation in the southern Adriatic. Continental Shelf Research 155 (2018): 21-33

  • Bosak, S., Godrijan, J., Šilović, T. Dynamics of the marine planktonic diatom family Chaetocerotaceae in a Mediterranean coastal zone. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 180 (2016): 69-8

  • Najdek, M. Paliaga, P., Šilović, T., Batistić, M., Garić, R., Supić, N., Ivančić, I., Ljubimir, S., Korlević, M., Jasprica, N., Hrustić, E., Dupčić-Radić, I., Blažina, M., Orlić, S. Picoplankton community structure before, during and after convection event in the offshore waters of the southern Adriatic Sea. Biogeosciences. 11(2014): 2645-2659

  • Orlić, S., Najdek, M., Supić, N., Ivančić, I., Fuks, D., Blažina, M., Šilović, T., Paliaga, P., Godrijan, J., Marić, D. Structure and variability of microbial community at transect crossing a double gyre structure (north-eastern Adriatic Sea). Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 69 (2013): 193-203

  • Šilović, T., Balague, V., Pedrós-Alió, C., Orlić, S. Picoplankton seasonal variation and community structure in the northeast Adriatic coastal zone. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 82 (3) (2012): 678-691

  • Bosak, S., Šilović, T., Ljubešić, Z., Kušpilić, G., Pestorić, B., Krivokapić, S., Viličić, D. The phytoplankton size structure and species composition as an indicator of the trophic status in transitional ecosystems: A case study of the Mediterranean fjord-like karstic bay. Oceanologia. 54 (2) (2012): 1–32

  • Fuks, D., Ivančić, I., Najdek, M., Lučić, D., Njire, J., Godrijan, J., Marić, D., Šilović, T., Paliaga, P., Blažina, M., Precali, R., Orlić, S. Changes in the planktonic community structure related to trophic conditions: The case study of the northern Adriatic Sea. Journal of Marine Systems. 96–97 (2012): 95-102

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  • For the full list of publications click on one of the following links:

    Scopus OR Croatian scientific bibliography (CROSBI)