'Rudjer Boskovic Institute', Croatia
Period: 2017-2019
Project leader: Maria Blažina, 'Rudjer Boskovic Institute', Croatia
Description: for more information click on the following link
The Laboratory of Excellence (Labex) OT-Med project in partnership with the IRSTEA at the 'Institut Méditerranéen d’océanologie' (MIO)
Period: 2015-2016
Supervisor: Michel Denis, MIO, France
Postdoc: Tina Šilović, MIO, France
Description: for more information click on the following link
Partners: 'Rudjer Boskovic Institute', Croatia / 'Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology', Germany
Period: 2011-2013
Project leader: Sandi Orlić, 'Rudjer Boskovic Institute', Croatia
Project co-leader: Rudolf Amann, 'MPI for Marine Microbiology', Germany
'Rudjer Boskovic Institute', Croatia
Period: 2010-2011
Project leader: Maria Blažina, 'Rudjer Boskovic Institute', Croatia
Description: for more information click on the following link
Partners: 'Rudjer Boskovic Institute', Croatia / 'Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM, CSIC)', Spain
Period: 01 October – 31 December 2010
Project leader: Tina Šilović, 'Rudjer Boskovic Institute', Croatia
Project co-leader: Carlos Pedrós-Alió, 'Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM, CSIC'), Spain
Description: The project was funded by 'Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia': „Unity through Knowledge Fund”; for more information click on the following link1or link2
'Rudjer Boskovic Institute', Croatia
Period: 2008-2009
Project leader: Danilo Degobbis, 'Rudjer Boskovic Institute', Croatia
Description: WICOS (Implementation of the water quality monitoring in the Western Istrian COastal Sea) was an Adriatic New Neighbourhood Programme-INTERREG/CARDS-PHARE Project; for more informations click on the followinglink
Partners: 'University of Tromsø', Norway / 'Rudjer Boskovic Institute', Croatia
Period: 2011-2013
Project leader: Paul Wassmann, University of Tromsø', Norway
Project co-leader: Božena Ćosović, 'Rudjer Boskovic Institute', Croatia
Description: Norwegian Cooperation Program on Research and Higher Education with the countries on the West Balkan funded by Norwegian Cooperation Program on Research and Higher Education
'Rudjer Boskovic Institute', Croatia
Period: 2007-2012
Project leader: Mirjana Najdek-Dragić, 'Rudjer Boskovic Institute', Croatia
Description: National project funded by Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia); for list of papers linked to this project click on the following link
Partners: 'Rudjer Boskovic Institute'/ 'Institute for oceanography and fisheries' / 'Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia' / 'Faculty of science, University of Zagreb'
Period: 2005-2010
Project leader: Nenad Smodlaka, 'Rudjer Boskovic Institute', Croatia
Description: Croatian national monitoring program funded by Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia); for list of papers linked to this project click on the following link (unfortunately available only in Croatian)
'Rudjer Boskovic Institute', Croatia
Period: 2005-2008
Project leader: Danilo Degobbis, 'Rudjer Boskovic Institute', Croatia
Description: Croatian national monitoring program funded by Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia)